
Sign The Petition To Boycott Starbucks!

Dear Friend, Let's act together to show Starbucks' CEO Howard Schultz what we think of his decision to give priority to hiring refugees over Americans in need of a job. Clearly, Schultz' statement was geared to show opposition to President Trump's restriction of refugees coming into the United States. Starbucks has good coffee...but screwed up priorities. Schultz should hire his fellow Americans when he can! Please sign this petition and join me in buying coffee elsewhere for a while. Please get your friends and family to sign this petition too. Let's go viral! Your signature will count! We will send an email in your name to Starbucks Chief Executive Howard Schultz telling him or her of your position! We'll add your email address to our Alerts list to keep you posted on progress and let you know if we need to take further action. Thank you, Dick Morris

Sign this petition